Tuesday, August 14, 2012


My hubs is a social worker, and we talk about certain aspects of his job, from time to time, not so much the clients, but in general drug addicts, abusive husbands and depressed housewife's. Last night for some reason we got on the subject of people cheating on their spouses and I expressed a rather extreme view of what I thought of those that cheat. They are dirt bags, bastards, assholes and douches, to put it mildly. I don't get it, why people cheat on others. He told me telling them this would not be an appropriate therapy method. I don't know why not, why shouldn't more people be straight up honest?

"You sir, are a scumbag, and an ass"              Maybe that would wake them up to reality.

No don't get me wrong, if your spouse knows, really knows, and I mean you have talked about it, and you both understand that you have an "open" marriage, than fine I am not talking about you. But if you think you are in one, but it would come a surprise to your spouse, or if you cheat on someone who you think knows and doesn't do anything about it, or someone who does not know and would never guess that you are cheating, you are a dirt bag.

Why not just leave the person, before you start down that path, because you don't respect your spouse, yourself, or our family and friends. An affair never just effects you and your spouse, it effects the community of people around you. If you are to the point where you need something more, tell your spouse, not the bimbo at the office, or the stud at the gym. If you can't open up to your spouse about the failings of your marriage and what adventures your marriage is missing, who is to blame? Only you. Talk to them, open up to them, share what you missing, what you need. Let them try to help you.

I don't get the whole, I want my family, but I love the thrill, or I am not attracted to you, or they disgust me argument, well do them a favor and get your tired, sorry ass, out of their lives. Be honest, lay it out there, and then leave, don't fight them for everything, don't cause more pain, don't mess with people's lives, grow up, and get out, you start fresh, because that is what you wanted in the first place.

You wanted something new and different. Well try being homeless, friendless and family less, with your new flame, Don't spend your families money, don't take time from them, and don't lie to them, just step up, lay it out there, and if you can't work together to make it a new relationship, then tell them first, leave them, then have your mad passionate love afair. NOT before, but AFTER.

Don't they deserve that as well, to know what is wrong, or your reasoning for your unhappiness before and not after?

I mean if you married for money, you can do it again, if you married for looks you can do that again, if you married for love that is lost, that will happen again. But don't be an ass, don't think it is no one else's problem, and don't cheat. Have more respect for your self and others around you. If you can't keep it in your pants, then don't get married.

I would much rather have my husband leave me, then have him cheat on me, I don't need the double pain. The betrayal you can't take back.

I know I am an idiot for writing all of this, I am tempting fate some might say, but I am not worried, it takes money to Cheat, and time, neither of which my hubs has, but I will still knock on wood.

Sorry for the messy rant, I just let it fly, and didn't pick up the pieces.

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