Ok, so I am LDS, yep a Mormon, and while I use this post to talk about my life struggles, I don't really preach from here, but I felt fake by not expressing my views on whether our church treats women the same, it isn't really about the Priesthood, I don't think, I think that is picked because it is clearly one difference between men and women in our church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I think this is about feeling less than, not as good as, and I don't feel that way as I head to church on Sundays.
***please note what I am writing is my own personal beliefs, and feelings, I do not claim to be an expert nor a spokesperson in anyway for the church, but just for me and my testimony.***
Sure don't get me wrong, sometimes I felt like we focus more on the Priesthood and the rights and privileges that come with it, but that is because I was looking for that, when another sister in my ward pointed out my flaws on this point, and I realized that maybe my family life was one of the causes for my oversight, I grew up with six brothers and no sisters, I often heard, "This is for the boys..I want my boys to..girls can't come with", you get the point I am sure. If you look for the negative, or for only what you want to see, you will find it, but it doesn't mean the opposite isn't there to be found as well. And just because I felt like there was more time spent on it, never did it mean I have wanted or longed to have the Priesthood, or that I resented it. I realize that the Priesthood is a calling and blessing that needs to be honored, and respected, because it blesses everyone within its reach, male or female. But so is Womanhood, it is a calling and blessing that needs to be honored and respected, because it too blesses everyone within its reach, male or female.
But even if I feel like we focus on the Priesthood a bit more than
Relief Society (a large women's organization in our church, we have our
own female leaders, and our own meetings and classes) this does not mean
I feel like women are second class citizens, because we aren't, if
anything we are greater than, we are held is greater regard, we are
built up and protected. The church leaders through out time have called for the men to respect and cherish the women in their lives, that women are the greatest gift the lord has given them.
Of my six brothers, four are very active in the church and hold the priesthood, as my father did and both my grandfathers and many uncles, cousins and friends, as does my husband and my many brother in laws, I have benefited from having the priesthood in my life, without being ordained. This is not to say my two other brothers are less than for not holding the priesthood, they are both righteous men, who love their families and who's blessing help their families as well. It isn't because they are men, or because they are or aren't priesthood holders, it is because of their faith and the faith of those around them.
Really when it comes right down to it, the blessings that come from the Priesthood are received because of a persons own faith, not the men exercising their Priesthood callings, but the individual on the receiving end, whether it is blessing, the sacrament, or Temple ordinances. I am entitled to all the same benefits and privileges of the righteous priesthood holder because of my faith, not my sex. The priesthood isn't given out to men, just because they are a man, they have to be found worthy to be a priesthood holder.
I love being a woman in my church, I love the Young Woman's program and the Relief Society, I love having the bond with the women in my ward, I would miss this if we were all given the priesthood, we would no longer have our own meeting and classes, we would be with the men for everything, we would be one of the rank and file, that to me is sad, that I wouldn't be seen for the woman I am, but just another ordained Priesthood holder.
Or maybe that isn't what some see as our future, maybe they just feel that some woman should receive the Priesthood, special ones, that are truly worthy and regarded in high esteem by the Lord. I don't know how making us all the same makes us equal, well maybe it would, but we wouldn't be special, neither would the men, and again that makes me sad, to be made the same as man, which isn't the way we were designed. Why not embrace your differences, while honoring the Lord and his plan for us?
One last note, one thing I think some miss in the church is that for a man to enter the Temple they must be a worthy Priesthood holder, but as women, we just need to be worthy, we are in the lords eyes (I feel) closer to the Lord than man, just in our nature, and with this, we are enough, just who we were, we do not need to be ordained to enter the Temple, this is an extra step men have to achieve to enter. And as all members know, the Temple is the Lords House and we are all entitled to the blessings found there, and viewed as we are, and will be, based on our faith and obedience, not our positions in the church or our sex.
I love the women in my ward, and my family and my friends, whether they are in the church or not, and I love that we are special and unique in the eyes of the Lord, Priesthood or not, because it is our own faith that matters, regardless of who we are and where we are in life.
I am sure this might be seen as ramblings by a brainwashed sheep, who doesn't see just how the Man is keeping her down, but trust me, I know how the lord feels about me, and that is the only Man, that ultimately matters.
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