Thursday, April 5, 2012

Back burner Sisters.

Sisters is a foreign concept to me, I don't have any, I have many brothers but not a single blood sister.But as I have gotten older I realize that I have had any people in my life to help me realize what it would be like to have a sister, but yet at the same time, show me I won't ever have that special bond.

I married a man with seven siblings, so with that comes many in laws. Many of whom I have become close to, but yet still have a lot to learn about each other. I have six brothers, all of whom are now married so I have 6 sister in laws, all different. I enjoy each of them. Some are newer to the family than others, some I have spent lots of time with, some I have just spent a few days here and there with. I know some better than others, but I know none of them like someone would know their sister. Because we just didn't share the same growing up experiences.  I have cousins that I was very close to, but they all have sisters, so I am not someone that they turn to now when they are looking for the extra help or support. I am a back burner sister to many. I get it, and I am starting to come to terms with it.

When I was very little I never wanted a sister, I was selfish, I  didn't want to share my toys, my room or my clothes. Having my own room as a teenager was also nice. But now, I would give all of that up to be the first person someone would call when they need help or want what to share a laugh or if they need an idea for dinner. But that never happens and it never will. I don't have a daughter either, so I won't be getting any of those "help mom" phone calls.  I will be the evil MIL, you messed up my husband, and "butts in" when she isn't needed. It will be a different life, but the only one I will know.

I didn't get on here to vent about not having a sister, I actually want to talk about how I spoke to a sister in law today, and I realize I am much funnier on the phone than I am on here.

Like, how I went on about how you know you are a stay at home mom who needs a break, because you think a stay in the hospital would be a nice break. Then you start to fantasize about what you could have happen in order for you to be laid up for a few days and I don't me in a dirty way.  (Car accident, broken bones, psychotic breaks....) To have people attend to all your needs. But in talking to my hubs who works two jobs, he would love the same thing, a nice break from all the stress of working and all the demands of having a family. Oh to dream, maybe some day, I know it goes by fast, so those easy free days are really right around the corner. If only I had a sister to share them with.

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