I have a screaming headache, a massive screaming headache and there is one thing to blame for it, Day light savings. I get that it brings a hour of light later in the day, but we really need to get rid of it. Do you know how many people die from day lights savings, oh I know you think I am being funny, but getting up earlier has cause people to have heart attacks, causing them to die. It messes with you people, it really does. I say we get rid of it all together, but who am I to say anything, just a lowly blogger who isn't even brave enough to admit who she is.
I know what would get rid of this mountain of pain, a nap, a sweet, sweet nap, something nice and long. But until the babies are asleep, it will escape me, dang, day light savings, you and nine o'clock start time for church. The babies are super crabby, but neither are sleeping. Everyone is on edge, well except for my hubs, he is sleeping, yep, he crawled into bed as soon as the babies were put into their beds. I stayed up to make sure they stayed in bed to sleep. But so far it isn't working, and to be honest if my solitaire games weren't sucking, I wouldn't mind so much. Dang, Pyramids!
Maybe if I had something to watch on tv, but there is nothing. I am too tired to think of something fun to look up online, even a piano playing, nut cracking, t shirt wearing cat can't save me. But that does bring to mind two things I love, one, Once Upon a time, if you can watch this, do, it is a good show. You'll want to punch the evil queen, well drop kick her off the face of the earth is more like it. Having a villain to hate is always nice.
Also, the band Snow Patrol, I haven't heard one of their songs I don't love. I am a bit of a ocd music freak in that I will listen to a song over and over and over, and yesterday I listened to some of theirs about 20 times. So check them out, yeah all three of you who read this from time to time. I just found out they are coming to town, but tickets are sold out, any chances I can get my hubby to take to see the one in Seattle? Hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha, yeah right, I thought that was funny also. Not a chance, not a chance in heck. Oh well, it would have been a nice anniversary trip. Especially since we haven't gotten out in years, since the babies showed up.
I am going to go out and shake my fist at the sun, it's her dang fault that I am in all sorts of pain, that bitch.
Have a nice day!!
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