Saturday, March 3, 2012

Just gets better and better.

Wow today we are off to a rip roaring start and it is just getting better and better. We can't get along today for anything. But this is nothing new, never is. We always fight and yell and scream over some of the dumbest things. We have the same fights over and over. We can't seem to get past it. Maybe there is something we need to figure out. Maybe we will never get it figured out. All I know is that for it to be a typical saturday, we have to be fighting about who got up earliest, who is ignoring the kids, what are plans our, who is going to clean what, and what to watch, etc.

Oh well, it could be worse. Way worse. I could live somewhere where I have to walk 5 miles to get fresh water, or where I have to worry about someone taking my children and making them slaves in sex den. Or maybe I can be in North Korea, where no one has anything to eat, they have no freedoms, and no hope. I think that is the worst of all lives, a life with out hope.

You can be the poorest person, in the most dire circumstances and if you have hope, you find a reason to keep going, you will look for the good in others, you will keep on keeping on. The opposite, you can be the richest, most well connected person around and if you don't have hope, none of that will matter. You will always look for the worst in others, always distrust others, and never find peace or happiness.

By the way, why is it that in Hollywood, only a rich white person can save a poor (Black, Hispanic, Asian) person, and why is it that only a poor (Black, Hispanic, Asian) person can save a rich person?

Can middle income people, save other middle income people?  I know it doesn't make sense, but when does my blog seem to make sense?

Also, how is the weather there in Russia?

1 comment:

  1. In my classes, one thing they talked about that really hit me was that 70%* of all marital disagreements are unsolvable. Not hard to figure out, but straight up cannot be solved in any way. There are too many background differences/whatever. So don't feel bad for having the same fights over and over again.

    *In my marriage, Chris and I speculate that it's way more. Like 80-90%.
