Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Birthday Cake, Damn it, don't use those words unless you mean it.

So I was all excited to make a birthday cake for a dinner I was invited to, I was thinking Lemon cake, with raspberry filling, and whipped cream cheese frosting, using real cream of course, with maybe either toasted nuts or coconut on top, because silly me, I gave up chocolate for Lent, even though I am not Catholic, or Lutheran, or Orthodox, insert any other religion that I might have missed that observes Lent, sorry no offense meant, just lead a sheltered life growing up.

Lent is a really long time to do with out something, but it is a good lesson, and true chance for reflection. Like why chocolate, what was I thinking, are you kidding, you completely forgot about Shamrock shakes that are all abound right now, that are really really yummy with a touch of chocolate added, but there is the extra side effect of Lent, all the fish sandwiches popping up everywhere. Even the local grocery store has their version, but I am not running out to taste theirs, but I have had a few others, and so far Arby's is the winner. I know Arby's, who knew.

Any way, enough about Lent, back to birthday cake. Turns out it wasn't birthday cake after all they wanted, in fact they wanted cobbler. Cobbler!! (booo, hisssss, booo)

Now don't get me wrong, cobbler is great, but not for the second function in a row, and definitely not when birthday cake is advertized. Cake and cobbler are not the same animal, not even close, one is fake healthy with its fruit and everything, the other is completely bad, really bad, with fat, and sugar and yummy goodness, the cake and the frosting, yummmm......., cobbler is the same all the way through, warm fruit, with soft crumbly stuff. Not the same. Not even with ice cream.

Don't tell a room full of ladies cake will be there, when it will not only not show up, but when you have a completely unsuitable replacement. That would be like advertizing Ryan Reynolds, and instead having Steve Buscemi head line instead, sure both can act, but only one you want to invite over for birthday cake.

But really all of this is pointless, I am not even going, sick babies, I made the cobbler, some one came and picked it up, and I am sure it will be eaten, by polite little old ladies, with polite little smiles on their faces, all while they are plotting someones long painful death, because they too know, cobbler is not birthday cake.

Did you notice that run on sentence?  Nope probably not, they sneak up on you, Jane Austin was very good at those run on sentence, some taking up half page, but she was such a good word smith, most go completely unnoticed.

I think I need to run out and get myself a fish sandwich and a side of cake, or maybe rent The Proposal again. 

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