Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Please, seflish jerks, don't have children.

So I am thinking about a sad situation I had to witness a while back, and it was all due to really selfish parents. So please if you are a self centered asshole, who only thinks of themselves, who's response to every situation is "what about me, what do I get out of this." Then please do the rest of the world a favor and don't reproduce.

You will not only mess your children up, but you will affect the rest of the world also, because your children won't be healthy and happy. They will be insecure messes, that are emotional drains on anyone close to them. Leaving them with sad empty relationships. And you will be left having to share your time, happiness, and general well being taking care of a life suck (as you would call them) won't be happy either.

So find yourself another selfish jerk, both get fixed, or spayed and neutered, (what ever creatures of your nature would need to have done) and then go at it. But please don't bring innocent children into your vapid, self centered black hole. Because why do that to yourself, why create a child that will just take away from your glorious self. Save us, the rest of the world from damaged children.

But because you're the selfish jerk that couldn't help but want a mini you, won't listen, and soon you will find out the mini you takes away attention from yourself, so you can't be bothered to raise them right, with love and attention, so they have a fighting chance. Instead you ignore them, abandon them, and leave them with trust issues, so you can what? Find yourself, follow your dreams, get high... please, you don't find yourself, you be yourself. So just do the rest of us a favor, and save yourself the trouble and just don't have children.

But then again, since my husband is in the business of helping messed up humans, then by all means, keep it up, job security is always a good thing.

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