Monday, October 10, 2011

Long sick weekend.

I hate it when my children get sick. Even worse is when you are also sick.  It is very hard to deal with sick kids, when you have to deal with code 10's all the time. But I think we have come out of it.  I say hope, because we thought our toddler was in the clear, then he started blowing chunks again, so gross.  But I have to say I am extra lucky that the baby didn't get sick.  It is so hard to help them, and comfort them, because they don't understand what is going on. 

But beside being sick, and tending a sick child all weekend, there wasn't much that I did get to do.  We watched a few movies which was a nice break.  We used to go to movies all the time, then once the kiddos came it slowed down a whole lot. I can count how many movies we have seen together, just two, yep, two.  Both of them Twilight movies. We took a baby with us to one, and the other we had grandma baby sit. So going from a couple of movies a month, to one every year and half, sucks.  So we watch some at home, which I have to say is so much better than paying full price to watch some of the clunkers my husband likes. 

You know, the long drawn out mind numbingly boring ones, about the government secretly screwing the country over.  Or the really lame, no plot whatsoever, just excuses for blowing things up, just to blow them up. Or the extremely gross, ones, where some how, every other word needs to be the F word.  Now don't get me wrong, I have been known to swear way too often and in the worst places ever, but not every other word. I am not that crass.  It doesn't add effect anymore to use that word so often.  It doesn't add drama, or humor, or make it seem more real, we all get it is just another plot point, to cover up weak writing.  I hope the writers will learn this.  Show us some real talent, and less potty humor.  I dare you to.

We are now watching Tangled for the millionth time, I can also most quote it.  It is getting to the point where my brain shuts down when it comes on. I turn on auto pilot, just so I can attempt to tune it out.  "the only thing I want to do with your hair is get out of it, literally".  (Sorry, how did that get in there?)  But the kiddos love it.  And at this point, after such a long weekend, all I want is a little peace and some what of a promise that I won't need to clean any more throw up today.  Please no more throw up.

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