Thursday, October 13, 2011

Lunch with my hubs and two chaperones.

So I just got back from having lunch with my husband, it was really nice. He normally works a long ways away, but was at a conference today close by, so he met at a local restaurant.  It was just a few minutes, but it made all the difference in my week.  We all got dressed up and ready to go.(We being the kids and I.) We got there a little early, and he got there a whole lot late. But it was a good time.  It felt good to be going somewhere to met my honey. The boys looked extra cute, also.  Well they almost always do, but to be honest it was a fine line between the decision to dress up or just say screw it and go in our jammies. Most of my life these days is like that. 

So I just got called away on a phone call, and getting the baby down for nap.  So I lost my train of thought.  But here is a tip for you, Acidophilus really helps if your kid has diarrhea that just won't stop.  But I am not a doctor, so please talk to your doctor first before you give anything to your children.  All I know is that since I gave some to my son, he has stopped the nonstop pooping, yippie! 

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