Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Internet brain?

I have turned on the computer several times today, and other days in the past with a clear intent, a reason to get on, you know, look something up, send someone an email, listen to a certain song.  But by the time it starts up, and I get all my pages loaded, I totally forget why I got online in the first place, then I start messing around with my email, facebook, etc, and don't remember until I have turned off the computer and walked away. That I was supposed to do something specific.

I am now calling that internet brain.  Sure some of it is because I still suffer from pregnant brain, but a lot of it is because I have a clear routine all in place for when I get online. I check the news, I check my two email accounts, I jump on facebook, and maybe check my bank balance. Once all of that is done, 30 minutes has gone by, and I am being paged away from the computer by real life.  Real life being my children, or the bread I am making, or maybe even someone else wanting the computer. So I wonder off, and about ten feet away from the computer, I hit myself in the head because I have remembered I forgot to look up, research, email that something that was so important that I couldn't hold onto it for 30 minutes.  So I have to try to remember the next time I get online.

I hate internet brain. But I have to say, I have tried very hard to remember what I got online for this time, I wanted to.... Oh crap, I have lost it again. Maybe tomorrow.

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