Monday, August 8, 2011

Musing for today, is that the right use of the word?

So I realized that I tend to blog when I am upset or feeling sad, so I wanted to be more self aware, and try blogging when I am in a good mood. So here goes.

The funniest thing I have said today when taken out of context: "Your toothbrush isn't for your Bum, it is for your teeth."  I found my self saying that to my toddler, in case you were wondering. He spends a lot of time buck naked to help him realize when he needs to use the potty, so when he found his tooth brush this morning, he started to "brush, poke and attempt to clean" all sorts of body parts today.  But thankfully, he stopped in time and no extra sanitation will be needed for his brush. 

Also, it never fails, it seems to be the instant you realize other people will be looking at your children, is when you noticed the big stain on their clothes. You know, like when you are getting them out of the car seat to take them into the grocery store, and you are then screwed, because you have no way of taking care of the spot. So just embrace your inner slob and go with it.

I was talking about a lady I know from church, and in our church we call each other brother and sister, bet you can't guess what religion I am now??  Anyway, I was telling my teenager about Sister So and So, and he said "why don't you use her first name, using Sister So and So, sounds a bit cultish don't you think?"   I guess he is right, but that is part of my issues, I don't like letting my guard down and using first names is one of the first steps of letting it fall at church. I am just not comfortable with that yet. Even with some ladies I have known for years. Sorry Sister So and So's, you will be Sister So and So for a while still.

I am honing in on how I want the kitchen to look, I am so excited about it, I could end up with a whole new kitchen by the end of the month, yippie, so inspired, just need to make sure I don't flake out, and fall back on my favorite excuses, too tired, too poor, too busy with the babies.

One other thing, just because I call my baby a parasite does not mean I don't love him, I very much do, but unless you are a nursing mother, you just don't get it. Maybe you are a nursing mother and still don't get it, well that isn't my problem then, isn't??  It is yours, because you choose to be offended.

Have a great day!

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