Thursday, January 5, 2012

So I was selfish.

Today I slept in, which wasn't hard to do, because I got to bed late, and was woken up by a baby more than once last night. But because of this I had a decision to make, go work out while the babies were still locked in their beds, or get them up, and hope that at some point I would be able to get a work out in later in the day. As a mom, you face tough choices everyday, that aren't really big choices, in the long run, but can be very important for your well being and your child's. I know if I want to be around for my grandchildren, I need to make my health a priority now, because of my family history. So I decided for my mental health today, and my physical health twenty years from now, to work out while keeping the babies  in bed. Why would I take the time to post online about how I was selfish and decided to work out for 30 minutes, while leaving my children awake in their beds? So other mothers will know that they aren't alone in the choices they make.  Much is said about how women judge each other, that we easily find fault with each other, and we need to stop that. Our children give us enough mom guilt as it is, we don't need to add to each others.  Young mom vs. old moms, working moms vs. stay at home moms, single moms vs. the world.  I have been all of these, I had my first child at 20, my last at 36.  I worked full time while my husband stayed home with my baby and went to school, I was a single mom going to school and working part time. I was married and working full time, while my husband worked full time. I am a stay at home mom while my husband works two jobs.  But I can say that each time I was a MOM, that was trying to do what was best for my CHILDREN.  Whether that was working so he would have food to eat and clothes to wear or being able to comfort them while staying at home.  We need to remember that while we start to judge other women, bottom line, whether we have children, or not, whether we work or not, we are judging ourselves and bringing all women down. The world tells us we can have it all. Our husbands want a clean house, warm dinner, and a smoking hot wife. But from each other we expect so much more, we expect perfection, while knowing just how hard it can be. So lets lay off of each other, give women a break, and maybe, just maybe, we can make the world a better place for the next round of females.  So I wanted to share with you just one of the choices I made, knowing that even as I ask for others not to judge, I will be today, but maybe I won't be tomorrow.

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