Well, I feel silly, I just found what I had started before the 2nd, turned the computer off. It isn't finished, I don't remember what else I wanted to go on about, but I guess this part is good enough to add. But at least I found how to retrieve saved material, yippie.
He is still extra crabby. And it is all my fault. I was in the dentist office and since it has been years since he has been to the dentist, I set up an appointment. Well it was a good thing I did, he had three cavities that had to be filled. I guess because they were so deep and old fillings had to be removed it caused him extra pain. It seems the pulpy insides were disturbed and now are throbbing from inflammation. He found this out after his second return visit. He could be in pain for weeks or months even. But because I made the appointment it is all my fault.
So any pain he has to endure is all my fault. So any question I ask, or anything that happens is my fault also. The right shows weren't recorded last night, my fault. Soda was spilled on his pants, my fault. He doesn't want to eat dinner my fault. The dogs barking my fault. At this point I say give me a break.
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