Monday, November 8, 2010

oh man

Why do teenagers need to push limits, why do they like to see us squirm?  I did it, and I thought it was funny, I guess that is why they do it. My son kept asking me question about what he could and could not do, that would make me stop loving him. he was surprised by some of my answers. I think it is important to love your children, but they also need to know there are limits to that love. Like if my child purposely killed another person, cold blooded killed them, I would not be able to keep loving them. Sorry if that shocks or offends, but really, can I say go right ahead do as you wish, I will love you no matter what. What do you think that is telling a child??

Don't get me wrong, I love my son, there isn't much he could do to make me stop loving him but there are limits.  Like if he decided to start using drugs, became addicted and that took over his life. I would have to cut him off. He now knows this. He knows that if he started using we would stop loving him, that I think is good motivation for him to to start. When someone one uses drugs they know they are making a choice to end their lives, whether it is today or thirty days from now, an active drug user will die from that choice.

Now, if he wanted to change religions, or didn't want to go to college, or married someone I didn't like, I would still love him. If he decided to start a cult and shave his head, I would still love him.

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