Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Don't you just love being sick?

I knew last night that I was getting sick, you can just feel it. It is the type of sick where I have to see a doctor to get the right meds. It used to be that you could call the doctor and let them know what it was that you had, and they would call something in.  But not anymore, doesn't matter how often you get a particular illness, they still want to see you.  I know it is to protect them, but then it leaves a person suffering until they can get an appointment.  Oh well, I should find a positive spin, I guess I can say that I have had this enough to know that I am not going to die. That the pain will go away soon enough.

I did have a nice night out with the hubs last night, he took me out to dinner. It was nice to get out on an election night, being able to miss all the updates. We also took time to vote. (yes, I feel like that is bragging, but if you don't vote, don't complain).  I was hoping we could do a little more last night, but sex is the last thing you want to think about when you have an UTI. That's what got me into this mess to start with.

I have to say that just taking this step to improve my life is causing me to look at things more positively, and be more proactive.  It makes me feel lighter, and less weighed down. I feel like a better mom, and wife.  But don't get me wrong I know I have a long way to go. Trust me I am still a cranky bitch. But there is a bit less of an edge. Just a tiny bit less.

Man, I wish I could drop my 2nd off somewhere for a few hours, so I can cuddle up in bed, and just lay there, undisturbed for a while. Where's the day care for stay at home mom's, I guess that is part of the trade offs.  I get to see all the joyous moments, while dealing with all the bad. The first words, with all the teething, first steps, with all the dirty diapers. ALL THE DIRTY DIAPERS, so many of them.

I guess I better get going, I have a busy day ahead of me.   

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