Monday, August 29, 2011

Family reunion Drama

For this years family reunion, we were unable to attend, and what did that get us?  The pleasure of planing next years reunion. What a pain. I thought I found the perfect place, but my husband wanted me to wait a month and make sure. Well the place was taken for the days we needed. The lady was a bit of a flake about it as well.  It was a really cool place, that would have been neat to stay at. It was an old courthouse, made over.  Oh well, I guess it wasn't meant to be.  So my brother helped me find another place, and I have called them three times, and still don't know for sure we we have it or not. I just want this decision over with. I can handle the planning after we have the place, but the buildup to finding the place is just too much. I know it is because of my whacky hormones, and lack of sleep that is doing me in, but I am really tired over stressing over this.

Everyone says what ever you plan and find is just fine. But it really isn't, everyone will have a complaint or a suggestion, or a request for certain things or time. It is hard to please a large family, no one is going to be completely happy, I guess that is how you know you did it right.

Oh well, it isn't as if this is the end of the world or anything. It is just a few days together with my family.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Two really gross and upsetting things.

The other day I was going to get the baby into the shower with me, what I didn't know was that he was poopy. Which wasn't a huge deal, just an extra step on the path to cleanliness. So I tossed the diaper in the bathroom garbage and didn't think about it again, at least not for a while. Later that day I went into the bathroom to see that same diaper torn to shreds and licked clean. Uggg, talk about gross, one of the dogs ate a poopy diaper. So gross. I so totally focused on the mess and didn't notice anything else. That is until this morning, when I realized that those spots in the bathroom carpets must be baby poop. So thanks dogs, thanks for sinking me to an even lower depth of grossness and oblivion.  How does a person not notice poop spots on the rug?  Now I have one more thing to add to my never ending stack of dirty laundry.  As if the event that happened yesterday wasn't enough.  ARGGGGG!!!  Which reminds me, why am I writing when I should be doing 30 loads of laundry? Maybe because who wants to do thirty loads of laundry.

Ok, so the other gross thing, I went shopping yesterday, at the grocery store, I don't think I need to tell you that, it is the only place I go most weeks, anyway, back to the grossness.  I bought a ton of junk, well not a ton, but enough, and all I want to eat right now is Mint Chocolate chip ice cream, who besides a 4 year old thinks that is a good thing to have for breakfast?  Maybe someone who is mentally ill, I think I am 1/4 bipolar, is that possible?  well I think it is.  I better go, the baby is half stuck under the couch.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

I was right!!

Haha, I often am, but I shouldn't have asked fate for more excitement, I am happy with the boring life I have right now, don't need anything else to shake it up. More on the shake up to come at a later time. It is just too fresh right now.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Tempting fate?

I just wrote a blog about tempting fate, making life more interesting and it froze and crashed and I lost it. So I guess I better not try to tempt it again and just call it good.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Peep and the big wide world.

Since I have had two more children I knew I had to be careful with what my boys watch, because children become obsessed with the shows they like. So I avoid Barney like the plague.  But I happened to stumbled upon a new favorite show for the whole family. Peep and the Big Wide World.  It follows the lives of three little birds, Peep, Chirps, and Quack. My toddler always ask to watch Peep.

The other day I was busy in the bathroom, working on some mysterious paperwork, and in he walks. Handing me the TV remote. This is how he often request the show to be played.

"Mom, mote, Peep"
"Thanks, bud"
"You Welcome" As he walks out of the room.  Hey at least he used his manners we have been working on.

One of my favorite things I love about the show is different Quackism, as we call them.  The birds were talking about spring being over,

"...the world is over as we know it, ..."  Chirp

"Well tell that to my tail"  Quack

"I am not talking to your tail"  Chirp

"I don't know how my tail is going to learn anything, if no one is going to talk to it" Quack

That to me is just funny, and sort of sums up my life, if no one is going to talk to me, how am I going to learn anything?
(I copied this image from google)