Monday, April 22, 2013

Here's a handy tip for you...

Green Shelf Liner, sexy I know.
OK I had a flash of genius a few months back while loading my car for a family outing.I had made some desserts and wanted them to arrive in one piece, so I needed a way to keep them from sliding around in the back of the car, so with a flash, I thought of it, shelf liner. You know that puffy, rubbery stuff, that keeps things from moving around. I knew I had a few small strips, so I grabbed one and Voila...Magic, real magic, that worked.

It didn't take much, and both containers fit perfectly, I tried moving them around by hand and they stayed in place so I was pretty sure it would work for the 40 minute drive, and I was right, they stayed right in place. So I left the piece in my car and have used it since, for glass plates, milk, and eggs, all stayed where I wanted them. I wish I had thought ahead and taken the time to beautify the car and jazz up the photos, but if I did that it would be years before I ended up posting it, instead of months. Give it a try, if they can survive the Hubs driving and mine, it should be good for anyone. You're Welcome.

This is a Pyrex dish, full of brownies
After the drive, didn't budge.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Lunch, water, and portion size.

I made spaghetti last night, with whole grain pasta and added, onions, peppers, celery and carrots. So for lunch I had left overs with a half slice of Toasted Wheat Berry bread. 

I took a pic to show off the serving size, do you know how little we are really supposed to eat, and how fast calories add up? Just a few extra scoops and you are adding 100's of additional calories. Do you know a serving size of cooked pasta is just a 1/2 cup?

My before plate, which is a salad plate.
I am using a salad plate and you can see just a half of piece of toast.  Without measuring I can tell even this is over a serving size, because I tell myself lies that, "it is OK and there are veggies, it is whole wheat, it's extra lean ground beef", but don't fall for it folks. Don't fall into the, "it's OK, because", trap, "it's OK, I worked out, it's OK, I skipped lunch, it's OK, it's low fat"  all traps that lead to extra calories that lead to extra weight.

I also made a point to drink water while eating, that will slow your eating and help you feel fuller so you eat less. And your brain can catch up and realize it has eaten enough.
I need more water, and I also have to say, I am really surprised at how little we should be eating.

I wanted more, but didn't need more.
That truly was the turning point for me, portion size, knowing serving sizes, listening to my body, and accepting hunger. Your body will adjust to smaller portions, just takes time about a week or so.

And I ended up not even eating all my lunch, cause I know what full feels like now. I am comfortable with how much I ate, I am not stuffed, but satisfied.

This is a 1/2 cup of cooked pasta on a dinner plate. One Serving.

Okay after I finished eating I realized I am kinda of a douche, if I tell you watch the serving size and don't show you the actual size, I had more spaghetti, so I got out my handy dandy 1/2 cup measuring cup and a full size dinner plate to show you. I was pretty close with my lunch serving after all. But in the past more than half my full size plate would have been covered with noodles and sauce. So get out those cups, measure your serving spoons, know what a serving is and what it looks like, then you learn how it feels when you eat one. I have one serving spoon I use all the time, I measured it and now when I dish up soup or casserole I know what how much I have taken, a 1/4 cup. Much easier to figure out your true calorie intake. And that really is the bottom line, what and how much you put in your mouth. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

It's been a long time baby...

Yes it has. But I ain't worried it isn't like I have a huge following that is feeling neglected because I am not keeping them updated on my life. So who really notices?

I have actually taken a break because I have been thinking about me just way too much lately, I think about me all the time and I am sick of me. Now don't think I am self centered more than the next person, I am just taking new drugs and I have had to watch and monitor myself for the last few months, to make sure I wasn't experiencing any weird or unwanted side affects, like suicidal thoughts or homicidal ones, or if I am light headed, or dizzy, or extra sleepy, or if my pee has turned funky colors, or if my knees have turned to liquid. So because of that, and my drive to get healthy I am always on my mind and I hate it.

So there was no way I was going to get on here and elucidate on myself as well. That would be too much.

Also I have become bored with reading, I can't read more than a few paragraphs anymore, I guess that is one of the unwanted side affects, oh well, it wasn't like I liked reading, oh wait yes I did, I loved getting lost in a book. So anyway the thought of proof reading anything is out of the question, not that I did much of that anyway.

I just wanted a quick shout out, I am still alive, I am still kicking and I have even lost more weight, I am now a round 230, yippie, so there is hope for me still. Hope all is well with you.