Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Well I gave it the ol'lady try.

Towel Circuit. These are great. Good idea.I did the abs, twice, and I gotta say that while it is a very nice abs work out, it didn't leave me feeling sore or overly worked over. Yeah I sweated a touch, but not as much as I would want from a work out I did twice in one day. I did 50 of each of them, or did them for 5 reps of ten seconds, and I can see how it would create abs, but I think I have them in spades you just can't see them as we speak. Cause they are covered by way too much fluff. So that just goes to prove that you never can tell just what is laying beneath someones tonnage. It also makes me feel good that a abs work out, designed to get your belly into shape wasn't enough to phase me. I should be shouting it from the roof top. But that will come another day.

I did have a work out I do using a little low to the ground table on wheels, and it works me over pretty well, but can get to be pretty loud when others are trying to watch tv or little ones are sleeping, so last night I used towels instead, and I am sure you are shaking your head, let me find a photo so I can use to give you an idea of what I mean. So you can see what I mean, but I was in the living room, not on my dirty gross kitchen floor, picking up salmonella. I did a few different variations of this and I was beat up after I was done, like I wanted to throw up, literally throw up. So this one I am keeping around, it was much harder using the towel and not the rolly board, but if I hadn't done the rolly board a few times before I don't know if I could have done just the towels.

I have yet to do the running one, things have just been crazy this week. I had the power out yesterday and that was hard to adjust to. Today I had  doctors appointment and I got me RX for my depression meds. I guess it wasn't a stretch for the doctor to prescribe them, after I started crying, just at the mention of me having symptoms. I am picking them up later today, so that should be fun, to get started on them, I hope they help.

I was also blown away by the weight at the doctors office, but since it doesn't match my scale, I am holding off rejoicing, cause I want me scale to say that. Isn't it funny how two different scales can be off by 10 lbs? Any way I gotta run and pick up my meds and the teenager from school. Enjoy!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Ok, first round of the challenge.

I did the abdominal one this morning.  And I gotta say little boys climbing all over you does not add to the experience. Nor does it help with your handy print out to remember the moves.

I was able to do 50 of most of them. The plank and the back stretch I did in five sets of ten seconds apiece. Well to my count of ten and when you are in the middle of a plank ten seconds counts pretty dang fast.

I will also say the third on the left down, ummm no could do. I can't bend that way. I tried a few times just to sit up. Then I moved my feet on the couch and did my best.

The very last one where you use a partner, I used the couch. For leverage or not leverage, science isn't my strong suit.

And now that I am sitting and writing this, my stomach is cramping.  Not sure how much was the work out vs. Needing to eat.

So breakfast here I come.  Watch out food pics may follow.

Here are the challanges picked for me.
This is the beginner running challenge, which even though I ran a 5k in November, I will try cause I took so much time off running since then. You do these with a lowest incline level.

Pinned Image
This is a copy of the ab challenge it says do morning and night and you will see a difference in a week. We'll see. 

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Food pics.

People complain about others taking pictures of food, and yeah even I don't find it all that exciting, but it seems like I get the most views when I post them. So you will probably see more. Unless it turns you off, then you know to avoid this blog like the plague. 

I wonder why people like food pictures. Is it a glimpse into others life style, is it like porn for dieters? Is it a way to get ideas on what to make. Is it so you can feel smug and superior, "I would never take food pics, she is so lame. My pics of Spanish Angora infinity scarfs are actually a benefit to society from an artistic viewpoint, yogurt bowls help no one."  Well if that is you, get over yourself. Scarfs are never exciting. 

This is my breakfast.  Light raspberry cheesecake yogurt, cottage cheese, and half of a Granny Smith apple chopped up. It isn't half bad and will keep me going. 

On a side note I finally picked up a new scale a digital one, on the cheap from Costco, with some of my fun money, so nice having fun money, thanks babe. So I hope that helps.

Also after a very long talk with my hubs, I agree some meds might help. Knowing I am depressed makes me more depressed.  Too bad I can't go back to bed. And just avoid the whole issue all together. 

Friday, January 18, 2013

From time to time..

Once in a while I will check and see if people are looking at my blog, and once in a while I get a hit. But the best was today, I checked and I had two views of my blog about rectal bleeding from way back and I have to say when I went back to read it, I was quite surprised at how funny it was. I guess I shouldn't be, I am a funny girl, but I just forgot how funny rectal bleeding can be. But this is coming from a girl who uses humor to get over all sorts of things. It is a default setting I have. And being that I am 38, I don't know how to correct it, old dog, new tricks, know what I mean? 

But enough about rectal bleeding, I am moving on to a new topic. This will be a new direction for my blog, well not completely new, but different. I asked my one loyal reader to find my a work out plan I can follow from to follow and yes I will be posting pics as well.  I am tired of seeing super skinny girls next to a list of workout moves that got them that body, knowing full well they had maybe ten pounds to lose to get there, I am going to start big and see what it gets me.  Who out there thinks I will be bikini ready by June?  To be honest you can not believe it, cause, umm guess what, I don't. You can't get a size 20 girl to size 8 in 4 months, I am guessing you can't even get her to a size 14 in that amount of time. I am just being a realist, and I just want to try to find some work out motivation. I need to find the right mix of eating right and working out.

It isn't all eating right, nor is it all working out, you got to do it both. But what is the right amount of both to make this body healthy and fit?

I guess we will find out.

P.S. If you need a laugh, go find "Rectal Bleeding" unless you are squeamish about bodily functions that is. 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Wants and needs.

Is it bad to want and need things? 

Before you answer you need to know where I am coming from. I grew up poor with a mentally ill mother and a workaholic father. Neither gave me much in the line of material things nor in emotional needs. I was left alone with my siblings for hours on end night or day for months on end.

Sometimes with no food, or running water or clean clothes, or toilet paper even.  So you can imagine we didn't learn very many coping skills. On any level.  Because when your energy is spent on basic needs, you can't learn emotional lessons.  And it still affects me to this day. Being isolated and alone.

I love my husband but look for reasons to fight with out even realizing it. I want to push him and every one else away. I feel like I have to fight for love and attention. Damn it, notice me. Love me. Pay attention to me.

I was sexually abused and no one knew. I was made fun of on a daily basis for the way I looked and smelled.  I was an outcast even at church and in my own family. I wore shoes until they fell apart with no socks to speak of. I had no roll model to teach me hygiene.  I was the smelly kid, for years. I even missed school because I had no clothes to wear. My mom had to make me pants, which ended up coming apart at the seams.

I was neglected.  Ignored and forgotten.  I can think of many women in my life who just did nothing. Aunts, teachers and church leaders. I even had some make fun of me. And they knew, I mean really, how could they not know? I was let down over and over. I just wanted to be loved and accepted.  Once I didn't get that from those who loved me, I moved on to the jerks and idiots who love damaged girls.

And here is the kicker, I know my childhood sucked and I know I was let down, but all I can say is that was life, be stronger cause no one cares.  Suck it up. Move on.

I really want to say, love yourself. Take care of yourself.  Build yourself up.

But, yep there is always a but, I say why? Why bother, who cares, it doesn't matter.  Won't make a difference. Give up and move on.

So not only do I reject others I reject myself. I can't even open up and love me. I can't want or need to love myself because I am not worth it.

This bothers me. But I don't have the skills to make it right. I don't know how to change it.  How to open up and accept love and let others in. How to find value in myself.

So really is it bad to want and need things? Is it bad to want to love myself and those around me in a healthy way? To need others? Really?  And how do I do it?

Friday, January 4, 2013

Go to lunch.

Salmon Patty from Costco.  With broccoli, mushrooms and peas. I cook them with a touch of olive oil, soy sauce, and a drizzle of rice vinegar after it is all cooked.

I leave the lid on so it steams. So yummy and crisp and clean tasting.

I guess I should talk more about other things in my life. I mean I am so much more than food, I mean I have kids for Pete's sake.

I also try to work out. I am trying something new, more intense 30 minutes rather than an hour of so so working out. So far so good.

Hope that was better.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Second place dinner.

I was hoping to have bean and Bacon soup tonight for dinner, but that didn't pan out. Instead it is oatmeal made with water. Yuck!

I guess I shouldn't say yuck, it just isn't my first choice. But I didn't think of the beans and Bacon yesterday to start soaking the beans. So they are about two hours away from being soft enough.  So they will be Saturdays dinner.

And tonight I eat regular oatmeal with apples, raisins and spices.  Not my favorite but could be worse. I also sweetened it with agave if that means anything to you.

But if my brain starts working I may realize that agave has fructose which is not seen the same as sucrose in your brain. So I might have to find a new sweetener. Yippie!

This oatmeal is quickly taking on the taste of raw bread dough, if this keeps up, I will be on to dinner #3.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Nuts for bananas.

My breakfast,
Banana smoothie,
Two bananas
2 cups skim milk
1 container of light very vanilla yogurt
Two handfuls of ice
1/4. Cup of original  instant oatmeal (had a open package I wanted to finish off)
1/4 cup slivered almonds
A drizzle of agave nectar
Several shakes of ground coriander
Add all ingredients to blender.  Blend until smooth, serve immediately. 
It made about 6 cups.  I had about three.  It wasn't too bad, next time I would use more oatmeal. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Dinner, but was it enough?

So tomorrow I will be more organized and do all this at once, but here is my dinner.  I had oven baked seasoned chicken tenders, sweet potato, with salt-n-pepper and cinnamon.  Then roasted Brussels sprouts with olive oil, walnuts and red pepper flakes.  I am also pleased I didn't stress about finishing my food, I just couldn't polish off all of my dinner and didn't think twice about tossing it. That is new for me. Something I have been struggling with for a long time now. 

It was pretty good, but since I am back to healthy eating that means no eating after seven pm. But I broke that rule, I had some raw baby carrots. I just needed something to munch on, that feeling of eating, more than really being hungry, I mean for petes sake I just ate dinner.

Speaking of breaking rules, I also had a rice cereal treat and a spoonful of chocolate mousse. It was so yummy. I must say that I made sure my teenager polished off the last if it, (yeah I am a real meanie forcing my bottomless pit of a son to eat all sorts if treats I am tempted with.) Because it takes a bit to completely get back into the swing of things, so I am not going to beat myself up over it.

I am waiting for the boys to get into bed, than I will attempt a work out. Yeah, attempt cause it has been two weeks. I am worn out and out of shape again. So I am going to take it easy.

Salad, oh how I have missed you.

So here is my lunch, the first one if 2013.

Yep it is salad, with mixed greens, tomatoes,  mushrooms, a egg, yep just one and some chopped up Turkey.

Yes it is a big salad, I need it today, just like I needed the light dressing and cottage cheese. 

I am starving and will be for a long while, so bring on the veggies.

Notice the two pans in the background?  Those are rice cereal treats, one batch even has dark chocolate chips added. I am sure they are good,  but I won't be eating any today. Thank you very much.

Starting a day early? Maybe not.

I wanted to get back into eating healthy again, I was going to start tomorrow, but with the way my ring finger feels, with an ever increasingly tight ring on it. I NEED to start today. Today!

But the issue is it is very hard to stop eating sweets and treats, even harder when they are right there daring you to eat them. Like left over dough dogs, or scones as some of you might know them.

Although if I can make it through today, tomorrow will be easier.