Friday, May 18, 2018

Bathroom vanity

I worked hard on this, hours, and it's my second attempt at a top, not sure I like it. Maybe it's too over the top. Or maybe I am trying to make the basement bathroom an art piece and not just a place to poop. I have hand made a few other pieces, they all have taken too many hours to count. 

I figure, if I am doing it, I don't want it to look like crap, I want it to be unique and fun. Not a boring cookie cutter bathroom. It didn't cost much, really, no more than 20 bucks. I like it, but I am not married to it. The sink is copper, and the faucet will be aged bronze, if that helps.

And heck, it's no worse than the upstairs bathroom is yellow and gray, from the 60's, and it's horrid.