Sunday, November 11, 2012

First time.

I had a rough day yesterday, well not the whole day, just my grocery shopping trip, broke a jar of salsa, spilled onions all over the parking lot. Messed up two different orders, almost shoplifted body wash. Got stuck in my neighbors drive way. It was not my most enjoyable trip. But for the first time in either a really long time, or the first time ever, I was looking forward to my work out, I couldn't wait to work off all of the stress of the night, just the treadmill, my ipod and I. It was nice. Well as nice as a work out can be, but it was nice to work off the stress and focus on my body. I struggled to get into it, I even put it off, until I couldn't any longer, but I did it.

It hurt and wasn't fun, but I benefited from it. I am glad I did it.