Thursday, February 7, 2013

Pms dinner.

I know many of you have been asking what does she eat when she is pmsing?

Well that is a good question.

Tonight it is starch, red potatoes with green beans, and onions with smoked Turkey sausage. I seasoned it with salt and pepper, Worcestershire sauce and dry mustard. I also stirred in some light sour cream.

I wanted creamy, salty, meaty, starchy goodness and I got it. Now if only the babies will eat it.

I know it isn't the healthiest meal, but it could be worse and I am not eating the whole pan. Atleast not tonight. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Jelly beans are evil.

That's all I got, jelly beans are evil. They should be outlawed.  They may be my down fall.