Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Hickies?? Making out? Do kids do that anymore ?

When was the last time you got a hicky? I don't even know if I am spelling that right.  Do kids even give hickies anymore? 

Well I just got one tonight.  Crazy right?  What is a 40 year old lady doing with a hicky?  Making out with her husband, that's what. 

It is right on my neck,  it's going to be a pain to hide.  Hubs said I should just say, "yeah so we got on hot and heavy", and maybe I will.  Especially if my teenager is around. 

Sorry it has been a while.  I am completely a mess.  I am back to my original weight,  and I am bummed about it.  I keep getting too sick to work out,  and we started marriage counseling.  At least that is going on.  Not too bad so far.  And get this the sex had been better since we started,  who knew? 


Tough!  My blog.  Don't like it,  go start your own.  Oh wait you already have one.  Who doesn't?  Oh yeah my mom, that's who.  (Regular show anyone?)

I am having mixed feelings about Christmas,  maybe I will share them another day. 

After proof reading this maybe midnight isn't the time to update my long neglected blog. My bad. Yikes I am really showing my age,  off to bed I go.